Recent studies from HBS and Northwestern on material ESG drivers for corporate performance . Prof. George Serafeim further advocates the following actions to drive corporate sustainability strategy:
Adopt ESG Strategy
Create Accountability Governance Structures
Identify Corporate Purpose and Culture
Drive Operational Changes
Commit to Disclosure Transparency
Engaging with Investors
July 29, 2020
July 23, 2020
Reflecting on last year’s proxy voting outcome, overall, one might argue that a majority of ESG proposals did not pass due to lack of a majority vote. However, we note that several proposals in Climate Change, Sustainability and Shareholder Rights (written consents and proxy access) received strong support.Ahead of the 2019 proxy voting season, Gaya Capital would like to highlight key focus areas as it relates to Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) topics. We anticipate the 5 following topics of interest:
Increasing ESG Oversight and Accountability: Updated Proxy Advisory guidelines.
Board Diversity: Increasing Women Directors on Board.
Proxy Exemptions: Improving Shareholder Rights
Sustainable Packaging: Ocean Plastic, Allied Waste
Climate Change: Increasing Pressure for Carbon Policy and GHG Disclosure
The global partnership, chaired by Procter & Gamble’s CEO, David Taylor, aims to research, fund and commercialize solutions to minimize plastic waste. The Alliance is focused on driving progress in four key initiatives:
Infrastructure: collect and manage waste and encourage recycling;
Innovation: research and commercialize enabling technologies for recycling and recovering post consumption plastics
Education and Engagement: broad participation by both public and private sectors
Clean Up: contaminated areas with plastic waste, notably rivers, (10 rivers carry 90% land-based plastic waste to the ocean). Note: 80% of ocean plastic comes from land-based sources.
Transition from Exclusionary to Integrated ESG strategies
Shift to Multiple sources of ESG data
Growing demand to understand Portfolio ESG Performance
Climate Change Solutions: from Mitigation of Risk to Adaptation of Investment Thesis
Growing Adoption of ESG
Please see original article for details from State Street.